Dropzone / Dropfleet Commander

Brookfield: 6pm to close Fridays

You join this universe in the earliest days of mankind’s ambitious invasion to retake the central planets from the Scourge. Bloody battles and epic conflict awaits as races, generals and individuals take sides. Whether you’re fighting for humanity, the Scourge or for your own ends is up to you!

Dropzone Commander is a 10mm scale sci-fi tabletop wargame, devised for mass battles between two or more players. The rules are designed for efficient and dynamic games which can be played on a standard 4’x4′ table (although larger tables work well also!) New players, click here for a PDF of the rules.


Dropfleet Commander is an Orbital Combat game in the Dropzone Commander universe in which the vast majority of your games will take place in orbit above a planet’s surface. New players, click here for a PDF of the rules.


Warmachine & Hordes