Battle for Mequon Warhammer 40k Tournament

Ready your dice, call upon your troops.

The time has come to prove your might in the grim, dark future!

What and Where is Pariah Nexus?

The Pariah Nexus is located in the region of the Nephilim Sector within Ultima Segmentum of the galaxy. To others, it is also known as the Zone of Silence, it is a region of space that appears to be free from Warp’s influence. The Imperium of Man has thus named it after the Pariah Gene, a gene known to have similar effects on the Warp.

In recent years, the area has grown more and more silent for unknown reasons to the Imperium. This has baffled and disturbed the leaders of the Imperium deeply. Within the Pariah Nexus, a Nercon Dynasty, led by Necron Cryptek Illuminor Szeras, seeks to reclaim dominance on the planet Paradyce that was once belonged to the mighty Necron. 

Game Universe Mequon will be using the Code of Conduct and Rules for Organized Play as set forth by ITC Official Play.


We will be using ITC Code of Conduct. It can be found on under the ITC header. Please review it as it will be expected that all players, spectators and organizers attending the event shall adhere to this, save for any changes deemed necessary by the organizers, which will be discussed the morning of the tournament. The goal is to have fun.  Respect your fellow players, play to the best of your ability, and play fair.



This event will use all the rules found in the Warhammer 10th Edition Core Rulebook for fielding an army. Players will build armies of 2000 points or less. All other appropriate rules for matched play Strike Force sized game will be in play (starting CP, CP generation each player turn, Rule of Three, etc).

Any official rules changes, including point changes and newly Released Codexes are not considered in play if they were released less than seven days before the event.

Please reference the following Warhammer Community documents when mustering your army: 

Please use the Core Rules for mustering rules, Munitorum Field Manual for unit costs and your army’s Datacards for unit specific rules.


Please contact the TOs to get any conversions and/or substitute models approved before the list submission due date. Conversions, kit-bashes, third-party and 3D printed miniatures are allowed but must be an obvious interpretation of the datasheet being represented as well as being mounted to the correct sized base for a typical model for that unit/datasheet. (Example: using an unconverted first-born Space Marine as an Ork Nob would not be an acceptable substitution as it is not on the correct base size and not easily distinguishable as an Ork model.)



Armies must be Battle Ready

Armies must be fully assembled and attached to basing.  Figures that have a base standard and are not on that base, or are not fully assembled (missing limbs, heads, weapons) are disallowed.  Armies should be fully painted and based, and must make a good faith effort to meet or exceedthe Games Workshop Battle Ready standard and should be cohesive. Failure to make a goodfaith effort to meet the requirement will result in a 0 on your appearance score ‘



The use of the BCP app is mandatory for event participants. This app can be used to submit army lists, reference the player packet, find table pairings and submit scores. BCP is free to use and is available for both Apple and Android devices. Lists are preferred to be uploaded, typed and not as an image file. This will be a casual event and as such scores will not be submitted to the ITC after the event.


Players are expected to bring the following items with them to the event:

1. Army list (Battlescribe format preferred)

   a. Chosen Faction Keyword, designated Warlord, units and upgrades, and army enhancements must be submitted within your army list.

   b. Digital lists may be used for convenience and must be consistent with your BCP submitted list.

2. Collection of miniatures, consistent with provided army list

   a. Please play as close to ‘what you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG) as possible. Though some proxying will be allowed anything deemed excessive to this allowance by judges may be disqualified. When in doubt, seek approval from an official prior to the event.

3. An adequate amount of six-sided dice ‘D6’ (easily legible, traditional pips preferred)

4. Measuring devices, such as tape measures and engagement range tools

5. Warhammer 40,000 10th Ed. Core Rulebook 

6. Army Datacard Index (physical or digital)

7. Optional: Misc. point trackers, dry-erase scoresheet, Stratagem Cards, Dice Tray, Objective Marker coins and/or neoprene mats



Chess clocks will not be supplied. They may be used and only need to be requested by one player at a table in order to be implemented, but the requesting player must supply them. Each player will equally have 1:30 (h:mm). Time may not be stopped by either player nor adjusted once time has begun. Only an official may pause or adjust a clock during a round. Once a player has run out of time, they may only roll saving throws, explosion and morale checks (only take these actions if any are applicable). They may not begin actions, move, use abilities, use psychic powers, shoot, charge, fight, heroically intervene.


Army Lists are due to be uploaded in BCP by midnight on the Thursday before the event.

 Lists submitted after this period may incur a 10vp penalty to their first game for each day they are late. 

Player army lists and GT missions will be viewable the morning of the event within BCP. 

        Event schedule will be as follows:























Each game round will be 3 hours long, the pairings will go up 10 minutes before the listed time for that round. If a player has not reported to their assigned table 10 minutes after the round begins, they will forfeit their match and their opponent will score 70 points.

Judges will notify time remaining aloud at certain intervals during the event. When the 30 minutes remaining notice is announced, judges will come around and check in on the current battle round each table is in.

 No table should begin a battle round for the following two reasons:

1) There is 10 or less minutes left in the round


2) Both players would be unable to finish their turns in the remaining time.


In these cases, the current end of battle round will count as the last battle round of the game and end of game scoring will occur at that time. This can happen even if you and your opponent are only on the second battle round after two and a half hours, so please be conscious of your time while playing. No “talking out turns” will be allowed to be factored into final scores submitted to judges. 



Missions for each round will be posted in the table packet, day of the event. These will be picked from the Leviathan Tournament Companion mission sets, which may be found on Warhammer Community downloads. 



Battlefield terrain will be preset and will be accompanied by a Terrain Guide at each table, detailing what effects and keywords specific features will possess. 


The term “Officials” when used to this packet will refer to both the Tournament Organizer (T.O.) and their associate Judges.

Officials may actively judge games as they walk by the tables. This means that if they witness an action that needs correction or clarification, they may intervene without a player asking for intervention. Any player may call an official at any time, and before calling should have any rules prepared for review along with a quick summary of the interaction at play. If a chess clock is being used the time of the requesting player will be on unless corrected or paused by an official.

To keep gameplay on time, please adhere to an official’s ruling as soon as it is provided. No appeals may be made during the round. If a player feels absolutely necessary to appeal a ruling between rounds, they may raise the decision to the T.O., then at that time the issuing official’s ruling will either be upheld, modified or overturned for the remainder of the event, but not effective retroactively.


Officials may issue penalties to attendees as they see fit, this includes players and spectators. 

Verbal Warning – no action

Yellow 1 - 10pt deduction this round
Yellow 2 - forfeit this round (70-0 given)
Yellow 3 (in a day) / Red - eject from the current event and next scheduled (no refunds) 

(These items are different than those found in the ITC Code of Conduct, but those may be referred to in rare instances by officials)

Click the button below for the printable version of the Information Packet to take home.

To find out more information about our upcoming tournament, feel free to call any of our stores!

Franklin: (414)-427-8800 | Brookfield: (262)-786-9800 | Mequon: (262)-292-8000


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